Bohemian Bouquet


Human Dignity for All Collection

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Well-being, strength and stability are the symbolic qualities of the Bohemian Bouquet bracelet.

 Although life offers it’s share of danger and difficulty, beauty and toughness can co-exist.


Take good care of your physical health.

Nurture your spiritual health.

Fertilize your intellectual health.

Cultivate emotional health.

Pursue wholeness.

Nourish what is good, what is right and what is lovely.


May the tough times strengthen your resolve to flourish and be well.

The rose jasper and the petrified wood jasper stones are a reminder that there can be beauty as well as a tough, grounded strength in the life lessons that come your way. 


The small gold pendant is stamped with the word HOPE. This is our message in a messy, wonderful world. Open hearts, laugher and community are the gifts we are grateful to share with our jewels of Hope. This is the purpose and core of Jewels of HOPE. When you wear a Jewels of HOPE bracelet, you become part of the movement that is a Giver of HOPE to the community of marginalized women.

Thank you for your purchase. Thank you for being a Giver of HOPE.


Wear HOPE.

Share HOPE.